Ian turns 24 tomorrow. He got a guitar for Christmas and I'm thinking of sewing him a guitar strap - he more then likely will not receive it on his actually birthday but I already have a few other gifts for him. Ian also starts school next week! I'm so proud and excited for him. He's really geeked about it and I'm ready to support, encourage and be the best wifey cheerleader I can be!
I want to learn to crochet. I'd like a hobby that I don't have to be cooped in my corner downstairs away from everyone to be able to create. Don't get me wrong, I do really enjoy sewing but why not learn to crochet so while Aubrie is playing or eating I can still be right there but creating?! Seems logical enough! Also, thanks to some books I've checked out from the library I'm getting pretty interested in modern healthcare for women. Namely, pregnancy related healthcare like labor and delivery. I'm excited for meet my midwife later this month and see how going to her will differ from the norm of OB/GYN care. Anyways, more on that later... That's us lately :)
Happy New Year!
I love the pic of Aubi on the toilet! haha soo cute!!