January 8, 2013

Bacon bit #2 - 8 weeks

How far along: 8 weeks

This week, baby is the size of an: Raspberry 

Gender: Have been thinking girl, but last night 2 boy dreams?!

Due date: End of August

Quality of sleep: When it happens, it's so nice! This time around the amount of sleep I've gotten so far is quite different. Being pregnant with Aubrie I had nobody to worry about so I slept like crazy, now that's not possible. Which is totally okay because it makes me appreciate nap time more. Aubrie is a really good sleeper too so I get to sleep in pretty late. 

Best moment this week: Going out to dinner at Famous Dave's - oh I love it. I have been craving it for a week or so now and it. was. awesome.

Food cravings/aversions: I was craving Famous Dave's, but other then that I am really in the mood for raw veggies with Italian dressing. What I found out over the weekend is that I cannot eat Indian food right now, maybe ever again. Oh no. Just thinking about it...

Movement: Not that I can feel :)

How's Mama: Tired, but good. It still feels surreal because I don't have any difficult symptoms and I'm so preoccupied with Aubrie that I'm not constantly thinking about another baby, but I am so thankful and excited! 

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my midwife in a few weeks! 


  1. That so great your getting a midwife I did that with bell!! Just wish I could have used her lol. I end up having a c-seacen.

  2. I'm sorry you had a c-section Jamie :( That's honestly one of my worst nightmares! Thanks for following the blog!
