May 26, 2012


After some thinking and prayer I've decided to be a blogger. What does that mean you ask? It means, actually updating and writing in said blog. I've been inspired to get back into blogging by some blogs that I've been reading... I pondered for a bit on what to write about on this first "serious blogger" post. Then I remembered something I read a few weeks ago on this upcoming (awesome) blog named Kalang. Kirstin did a "Currently" post that I think she may have gotten from another blogger as well, but I thought it was an excellent way to begin... 

Reading - I am about halfway into "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis. When my head isn't spinning from his pure brilliance I am pretty intrigued by this book. The thought process behind it is so interesting and as far as Christian literature goes, it's a must-read. I'm also s.l.o.w.l.y getting through this teeny book, "Humility" by C.J. Mahaney. I've heard exceptional things about this book by people I trust. However I'm feeling a wee bit let down. I think it may be due to my reading literally a page a week. At that terribly slow rate, any book doesn't stand a chance. I should start over and read it quicker so I remember what Mahaney is actually talking about. 

Eating - The other day I made yummy lemon shrimp and basil pasta. Ian loved it and made note to remind me that he does in-fact like meals that aren't 'spicy' or 'hot'. I've been trying to cook different things for us... I need to learn more recipes. 

Watching - I am not much of a TV watcher... we don't have cable (by choice)... But we have Netflix, I think in the past few weeks I've watched 3 episodes of Bones and maybe 6 of Parks & Rec. Our friends Jt and Sarah are trying to get us to like that show, they say it's the 'New Office' - Ahem. 

Anticipating - We should should should be moving into our new (old) very own house by July! Excitement on so many levels for that. I really want to get my DIY on and bust out my handyman skills (that I don't have yet, but will) and prettify Aubrie's bedroom, ah!!! 

She loves when I dance for her
Listening - For the past month 3 albums have been on repeat on our iTunes: O Ransomed Son, by Ascend the Hill (my favorite band), Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars and Bible Songs for Kids by some other kids. Aubrie likes when I dance for her on the goofy songs. It's like a daily workout for me and entertainment for her - double win!

Reading in Scripture - I've almost finished Deuteronomy... I really want to become more familiar with the Old Testament, it's so beautiful and Gospel centered. Reading in Deuteronomy the laws and standards God has for holiness absolutely humbles me and I find the blood of Jesus sweeter then ever. 

Thankful for - Aubrie. She will be 5 months on Monday! I am on a Facebook group with other mama's from across the States that delivered within the month of December and we talk about how our babes are growing, what they're learning, if they've started solids etc. and I'm so thankful for the outlet to talk talk talk about Aubrie and learn from other mamas. 

Tired of - Aubrie spitting up all the time, I really hope that 'phase' ends soon. 

and lastly...

Wishing - I never would have cut my hair. There I said it! I miss those 15 inches and I want them back :) I was looking through pregnancy photos and I miss my long hair.. sad day for me because it will take years to grow back, boo hoo. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you stick with me as I become a blogger!


  1. Ashley, beautiful friend, I will definitely read your blogs, you are an inspiring woman to so many, including me, love you! and can't wait to help you move into your new home, and help you get all crafty!
    p.s. I love your short hair! it's lovely! and me and Aubrie can celebrate birthdays together! her 5 months and my 24 yrs! :) Love you!

    1. I can't wait for you to help me move in - you know I need you, haha :) Oh yeah, your birthday is Monday - what are you doing during the day?!?

  2. I love the short hair too...but I may be a tad bias :) Looking forward to reading more!

    1. You have the cutest short hair of anyone, ever Jonna! Thanks for reading along :)
