The past few days have been beautiful, we've been to 3 different parks, downtown for a stroll and a nice walk around our neighborhood. The girl loves her bike and mama loves being out of the house. Maybe if your a southern Cali folk you'd still consider it dreary and cold, but to me it seems as if winter has left; to hear birds chirping and rays of sunshine peaking even the slightest is such a relief!
I decided to take a break from the blanket I was crocheting and work up a quick hat for the girl. It's a perfect spring hat and she loves it. The pattern won the 2013 Crochet Design Wars and was written by my dear friend from Frayed Knot. I think I'll make one for myself next and maybe some Christmas gifts many months from now?
We're also trying our hand at some veggies this year. Here's the girl displaying their growth. She's such a good listener (so far) with not sticking her little fingers in the soil and has only tugged one on 1 cucumber leaf.
Ian and I are crazy about spices and herbs, they can make or break an entire dish. So in addition to some veggies, we're hoping to grow a few herbs this year. Ian also has begun to make his own homemade salsa... imagine some home grown tomatoes with fresh cilantro - oh my word. Sounds perfect! I decided we'd try and grown our herbs in mason jars indoors (at least for now). We don't have safe enough windowsills with a 14 months old on the prowl for new discoveries so I crocheted a mason jar cozy that'll hopefully allow enough light passage and placing it in the correct window will yield us some herbs. This is the first of many (I hope) hanging herbs in our East facing window. I should be planting the seeds this week!
That's all for now, off to go get the girl baptized. More on that later, maybe :)
I love the mason jar Cozy. How cute! hahaha