February 19, 2013

What's new...

It has been quite some time. With being mama, wife, wannabe crafter and pregnant that doesn't leave much blogging time! We've been through quite the few weeks but as always, come out remembering the faithfulness of our God and seeing His blessings and feeling sanctification all over.

As far as reading goes... I finished "Pushed" by Jennifer Block, I mentioned I was reading that a few months back. It was quite the read, very text book-ish, I think I mentioned that already but it stayed true to that format which was okay by me. The end took a plummet I thought, with the author's feminist undertones but the overall message was spot on. I found myself wishing it wasn't a library book a few times so I could highlight or underline a couple paragraphs. I would in-fact recommend this book to expecting mamas, it aids in asking tough questions and following where the information leads - despite popular belief. Check it out from your library or buy it at a local bookstore. I'm also reading through the book of Acts and slowly Genesis. I am baffled by Peter's prayer for further boldness. As I read the accounts of Peter's ministry I think "can he get more bold?" yet there is he praying to be bolder, still. Then Genesis, oh my, what's blown me away the past few weeks is this small sentence... "And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them." The immense grace the Lord shows to Adam and Eve following the fall astounds me. They had just displayed their lack of trust in God's word and as a result disobeyed, allowing sin to enter the world. Not long after curses fall upon Satan, man and women does God kill the first animal to cloth his children. God shed the first blood of an animal to provide, protect and love those who just disregarded Him. I could go on about the volumes this sentence and the entire story of the fall is doing to me but I won't. Instead I'll end with 1 last thing, learning the Old Testament, reveals God's character, standards and sovereign grace in such a way that without it the blood of Christ is not as rich or satisfying.

As far as crafting goes... I haven't been in the basement much to sew, I've been down there to rinse out poopy diapers and switch loads though. I did sew Aubrie a beanbag! I wanted to see if it'd be something she's interested in yet and she's not. So I only made one and figured I'd try to introduce them again later haha! Crocheting is going wonderfully though. I am loving it! I started to make myself a cowl as you can see...

And about 10 minutes after this decided I wanted to use the yarn for something else and unraveled it completely! What I want to use the yarn for, I have no idea but I didn't want to cowl anymore and considered it good practice following a pattern and getting more comfortable with the few stitches it required. Instead I embarked on a different crocheting journey... boots for Aubrie!

This was me all geeked I finished the sole and sent a picture to my friend Jonna. I finished them a few days later and could not, for the life of me, get a good picture. Let alone one with her wearing them! So the picture doesn't do them justice but they are DANG CUTE!

Aubrie likes them, especially trying to pull off the flowers, like I put them on there as a challenge for her. I'm not sure if you can tell via the picture but the sides have pull up slots in them to get them on easier. I love them and can't wait to make more things for my girl. Which leads me to my next project... a blanket for Aubi. The blanket she sleeps under every night in her crib has, hate to say it, stains from previous diaper leakage and no matter how many times I was it, they stay. So it's the perfect timing for me to make her a new one! my friend Jonna (who I mentioned earlier) just released her first blanket pattern (Frayed Knot - check her out!). I bought it and plan to start her blanket anytime now. I'm not going with the blue like Jonna did, but rather eggshell, light and dark purple - to match Aubi's room. I hope she loves it and I'm sure it'll be sometime until I finish so check back to see my progress :)


As far as pregnancy goes... Can I say headache?! With Aubrie I didn't have a single one. With Bacon bit #2 over here, every stinkin' day. I actually had my midwife appointment today and she gave me some tips, hopefully they work or else... I'll have to take some stupid medicine and I really really dis-like that. Even though I don't have a belly shot, although the belly is growing, I'll post the info...

How far along: 14 weeks

This week, baby is the size of an: A lemon (aw!)

Gender: My convincing Ian to be surprised was an epic fail. Although I assured him it's a she based on the very vivid dream I had last night where I delivered our baby and pulled her up, took a look and saw she was a she! I was so excited. 

Due date: August 20th

Quality of sleep: I love sleep. Always have, always will. 

Best moment this week: There are two... trying to explain to Aubi there's a baby in mama's bell so she can nurse by laying on my belly. She just looked at me weird and I said "Aw Aubi it's a baby in mama's belly, be niiiiiiice, give the baby a kiss," and she kissed my tummy. Too cute! Also today when we met with the midwife and she used the doppler and found the strong heartbeat within 3 seconds, it was so reassuring and such a beautiful sound. 

Food cravings/aversions: Soooooooo weird for me, but Oreos??? I don't even like Oreos, or so I thought? I'm not buying them again. I will not. Other then that I haven't been craving much but I want some Chipolte man, always want Chipolte and never get it. 

Movement: I could of swore I felt my uterus move a few times but who knows? 

How's Mama: Aside from these headache's I'm good. Tired but not anything too crazy. Everyday life and Aubrie sure keep my busy and my mind doesn't wander to be pregnant much but it'll come I'm sure. Especially after we finalize baby's name and find out if she's a she or he's a he. 

What I'm looking forward to: Buying a new to us car this upcoming week (or the following week).  I'm also looking forward to knowing the gender, deciding on it's name, warmer weather and the day when Aubrie Lilian learns to say "I love you" back. 

Let's end the post with the some picture of my little miss... she's such a ham!

Happy week to you all!

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