November 20, 2011

Pregnancy / 34 Weeks

Pregnancy Update ---

How far along?: 34 weeks, 2 days

Quality of sleep: Other then the constant feeling of having to urinate, good. As long as I have a pillow between my legs and am touching my hubby somehow (via spooning, footsie, body pillowing etc.) I'm in a peaceful slumber!

Best moment this week: Doctor's appointment! We heard her little heartbeat! It never get's old or less exciting :) When the Dr. was pushing around on my belly her heart rate would go up... It was really cool to hear, she may have been annoyed by the disturbance or excited by the attention, either way she was responsive :)

Movement: Today's been more of a chill day it seems. It could be that I'm getting a little more use to her movements or haven't been paying close enough attention, but she's been wiggling around a good bit. Some not so pleasant feeling, but hey, no complaints!

Food cravings / aversions: I'll eat just about anything right now. Always love my shells and cheese, some hot pizza and a bagel cream cheese, yum! Oh yeah ice cream too - Ian picked out some cupcake ice-cream, YES PLEASE. On the contrary, I don't feel like salty snacks of any kind.

How's mama?: Waddling, getting geeked, and a little more sentimental it seems. My heart feels softer, I feel more vulnerable, and at the same time peaceful and content. Thank you Father God.

What am I looking forward to: Going pee when I finish this post and cuddling with Ian :)

Weight gain: 27-28ish - not too worried, I SHOULD be under 40lb weight gain when Aubrie girl gets here and that was my ideal max.

House Update ---

Bid is in. Patience in essential. It's all in God's hand's now, it's extremely hard not to stress or over-think it but rather trust His perfect plan. Typing to remind myself: I have everything I need in You, Jesus, it's just a house, I trust You.

Weekend Update ---

Ian and I have been up-north a few nights and we'll stay a few more in this secluded cabin as a 'babymoon' before Aubrie girl get here. It's perfect for us, watching movies, playing chess, eating yummy food, relaxing in the hot tub, talking, playing the question game and just being together. I love my husband so much, spending uninterrupted alone time with him for days on end is beautiful! I am so thankful to God for the work he's done in Ian and I and how it's affected our marriage. At the end of the day, I may not be the best cook, or have my hair pinned all nice like, I'm not the biggest fan of make-up and I can't make clothes, I'm not a coupon queen or DIY diva (which I want to be), but I have invested time, prayer, and effort in our marriage and I think thus far, it's been well worth it. The Lord is showing me the beauty of friendship in marriage and how being a wife can definitely bring Glory to His name.

That's all I want... to bring Glory to God.


  1. I think pregnant women are not supposed to do the hot tub thing....

  2. beautiful. Simply Beautiful. like you.

  3. @ Colleen. Hot tubs are only not safe for the 1st trimester, she's fine :)

  4. Great blog! Congratulations on your little one on the way. Thanks for checking out my blog. I am always thrilled to see new followers.
